Video: ABIC Awards Over $500K In Scholarships

Bernews July 20th, 2016 – The ABIC Education Awards program hosted a lunch and reception today (July 20) to present over $500,000 in scholarships to twenty undergraduate students and one post graduate student. The awards are supported by more than fifty ABIC member companies and a committee of approximately twenty volunteers. To read more and […]

“Bermuda´s Resilience In The Face of Hurricanes´ – May 13, 2015

The “case for Bermuda´s resilience in the face of hurricanes can be made on any number of levels,” as we are the “beneficiaries of our history” and “lessons learned across centuries,” Premier Michael Dunkley told attendees at a Hurricane Conference in Florida. Click here to read more

Podcast: George Hutchings & Cyril Whitter On IB

The first in a series of podcasts on the value of international business hosted by Chris Famous. Featured in this interview are ABIC Executive Committee members Cyril Whitter and George Hutchings. As part of the ABIC Communications Plan and the Everybody´s Business Campaign, ABIC is sharing information on our sector through a wide variety of […]