Better Public Transport Key to Solving Traffic Congestion

International business has a role to play in reducing rush hour traffic congestion, but government will need to improve and expand bus and ferry service to successfully address the problem and enable business to participate in its solution, a survey of international companies reveals. “In collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Transport, The Association […]

Minister Burgess´ Speech for ABIC Education Awards Luncheon

ASSOCIATION OF INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES [ABIC] EDUCATION AWARDS LUNCHEON Harbourfront Restaurant Bermuda Underwater Exploration institute Wednesday, 25th July, 2007 Address: The Hon. Derrick V. Burgess, JP, MP Minister of Labour and Immigration _________________________________________ The Hon. Paula A. Cox, JP, MP, Deputy Premier and Minister of Finance; Senator Davida Morris, Junior Minister of Social Rehabilitation, Community and […]

International Business Group Awards 21 Scholarships to Bermuda Students

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GROUP AWARDS 21 SCHOLARSHIPS TO BERMUDA STUDENTS Hamilton, Bermuda, July 25th, 2007. Scholarship season is here, when students seeking financial assistance for university expenses are competing for funds. The Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC), which operates Bermuda’s largest scholarship programme, has awarded 21 two-year scholarships, each valued at $30,000. The ABIC Educational […]

Work permit rules will cost Bermudian jobs

By Scott Neil Bermudians could face job losses as a result of a previously unheralded and unintentional side effect of Bermuda´s six-year work permit policy. Business leader David Ezekiel, chairman of the Association of Bermuda International Companies, has seen evidence of Bermuda-based international companies outsourcing jobs overseas because of difficulties associated with hiring ex-pats on […]