INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GROUP AWARDS 21 SCHOLARSHIPS TO BERMUDA STUDENTS Hamilton, Bermuda, July 25th, 2007. Scholarship season is here, when students seeking financial assistance for university expenses are competing for funds. The Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC), which operates Bermuda’s largest scholarship programme, has awarded 21 two-year scholarships, each valued at $30,000. The ABIC Educational […]
The Association of Bermuda International Companies has thrown its support behind Government plans for a workforce empowerment programme aimed at forcing businesses to improve opportunities for black Bermudians. Chairman David Ezekiel said last month that ABIC supports the move because there had not been a radical improvement in the racial mix at the executive level. […]

The Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC) has announced that Roy Fellowes will chair its Education Awards Committee, which administers the largest and most broadly supported scholarship program in Bermuda. Mr. Fellowes, of HSBC Insurance Solutions (Bermuda) Limited, succeeded David Holland of Fidelity International as chairman of the ABIC Education Awards (“ABICEA”) committee, which is […]

Supervisor of Insurance Jeremy Cox (pictured) outlined how the BMA is responding to a new era of global regulatory enhancement. “The challenge is to strike the right balance between maintaining an effective regulatory framework ..while avoiding requirements where the cost burdens imposed on the industry are out of proportion to the resulting public benefits.” Attachments: […]
Dear Members, Scott Carmilani, representing ABIR, and I met with Garry Madeiros of BELCO as they requested an opportunity to update us on developments since the power outage. Much of what we discussed is attached in the following three documents – a Press Release dated September 29, 2005, the report of the investigation by E.A. […]