Let me start by saying that the construction of the 2005/6 Budget certainly enhances Minister Cox´s reputation as a thoughtful and able Parliamentarian. In a number of interviews prior to the Budget we expressed the view that we expected little change in relation to matters that directly impact International Business, as in the normal course […]
he Bermuda Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Scholarship Seminar on behalf of ABIC for the 2005 ABIC Education Awards on March 3rd, 2005 from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Roger Paschke, a Director of the scholarship program will be on hand to give those in attendance an opportunity to understand how the program selects its […]
The Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC) is pleased to announce that it has revamped the Education Awards Scheme (formerly known as ICEA) which has for the past 26 years provided scholarships to Bermudian students as a means of assisting them to achieve their educational aspirations. The ABIC Scholarship is paid in two annual installments […]
The following Is an ABIC position paper on Independence. We encourage feedback from our members. Please submit any comments to info@abic.bm with the subject line: “Independence paper-comments” Attachments: ABIC Position Paper on Independence (pdf)
The Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC) today announced a detailed survey of the entire ABIC membership and their employees to create a baseline of data outlining the current impact that international business has on Bermuda. The web-based survey, planned since March, 2004, will be an exhaustive and detailed look at the positive and negative […]