The Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC) has launched a post-graduate scholarship for Bermudian students aspiring to work in Bermuda’s international sector. The new Post Graduate Award is valued at $20,000 per year for a period of two years, beginning in the fall of 2008. The deadline for application is April 15, 2008, and application […]
Many of our members have been calling for improvements in the Department of Immigration´s processing of work permits. To this end, we have been assured that they have been working fulltime with three vendors to replace their current computer systems with new technology. While they have not yet completed this initiative, they will be phasing […]
The Association of Bermuda International Companies (ABIC) is breaking records in supporting post-secondary education for Bermudian students. ABIC, which represents more than 130 international companies in Bermuda, funds and operates the island’s largest post-secondary scholarship program. In the last nine years, companies have donated more than $3.5 million for scholarships – with a record $575,000 […]
Tim Wise first visited the Island in 2005 to dialogue with mixed-race and white audiences on the issues of race and racism. The response was highly positive and so CURB, in partnership with ABIC, was pleased to arrange for Mr. Wise to return to the island from Nov. 26 to Nov. 30, 2007. ABIC was […]
Dear ABIC Members, I am pleased to report to you that in a letter addressed to me as Chairman of ABIC, The Minister of Labour and Immigration, the Hon. Derrick V. Burgess, JP. MP, has confirmed that from 1st October 2007 the turnaround time for all initial work permit applications and all renewals in the […]