“Understanding Racism and Privilege” ABIC Members Dialogue with Tim Wise

Tim Wise first visited the Island in 2005 to dialogue with mixed-race and white audiences on the issues of race and racism. The response was highly positive and so CURB, in partnership with ABIC, was pleased to arrange for Mr. Wise to return to the island from Nov. 26 to Nov. 30, 2007.

ABIC was provided the opportunity to participate in dialogue specific to the needs of HR professionals and CEOs and invites its members to attend two workshops on November 27th, 2007.

Tim Wise is one of the most respected anti-racism educators and authors in the United States. In his discussion, Tim Wise explored how racism can be perpetuated within an organizational structure, even when there is no intent on the part of individuals to bring about such results. As an outgrowth of attending the Understanding Racism and Privilege workshop, participants were able to:

1. Better identify racism and discrimination when it occurs;
2. Avoid practices and procedures that inadvertently perpetuate discrimination;
3. Improve the overall climate within their organization for members and future members; and,
4. Better understand our community’s racial problem, and so be in a better position to respond to it.

The workshops were interactive, involving large group discussions as well as smaller breakout sessions. Take away points (below) were provided for those who attended.


Take Away Points