Middle School Students Celebrate IB Week

Dellwood Middle School students recently attended AXA XL where they learned about careers in international business. Minister for Education Diallo Rabain attended AXA XL with the Dellwood Middle School students last week and said, “We welcome this opportunity for our students to learn more about International Business (IB) in Bermuda. Read full article here.

Connecting students to IB career paths

International Business Week has kicked off with a range of activities designed to connect the island’s students with career path opportunities. They included school visits to the island’s global companies, mentorship programs with industry experts, the promotion of scholarships and a new advertising campaign highlighting how synonymous Bermuda is with international business. Now in its […]

Eight things Bermuda must do to remain relevant

Bermuda as an international business jurisdiction has never before faced as many challenges and potential game changers as it does today. Its character will be severely tested, and there are things it must do to remain relevant in the changing world, according to one of the island’s business leaders. Among the thing Bermuda must do is […]

Video: Patrick Tannock on International Business

Patrick Tannock, ABIC Chairman and Managing Director at AXA XL and Chief Executive Officer of XL Bermuda Ltd.’s Insurance Operations spoke at the Hamilton Rotary Club luncheon meeting on December 11th on “Bermuda as an International Business jurisdiction in an era of change.” Click here for video.